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Lovarchist Farming Chronicles

EPISODE THREE: Transplanting the Zucchini
We needed to harvest the bolting spinach, and save 8 of the plants for seed. I believe that our number one priority is saving seed for the next year or two or three or whatever. Our number two priority is feeding ourselves. That's easy for me to say, since i like fasting. I'm a gluttonous faster, in fact. I'm a gluttonous eater too. But for today, i pulled out most of the spinach, then double-dug the bed, then put in four zucchini squash plants.

In a different bed, in St. Christopher's Garden, i planted fifteen squash plants, and surrounded the soil near the wooden frame with diaTOMacious earth, to help the ants chop themselves up by themselves if they choose. But FIRST I took a look at the greenhouse to see if plants were still happy in there, or if they were ready to leave their apartments (a.k.a. flats) and move into the country yet...

And the Hackneys came to take a look, by traveling up this long road.